Welcome to the Imagine Orem: Geneva Roadsite, a place to learn more about the future of the Geneva Road corridor. We areĀ  just getting started with the plan. As progress is made, more details and information will be added to this site.

Frequently Asked Questions

In 2017, the City of Orem was awarded a grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to study and create a plan for the Geneva Road area in Orem. This plan will look at the past, present, and future of the Geneva Road corridor from 1600 North to 800 South.

This work will also help property owners and businesses on Geneva Road understand the potential risk that their property may have due to brownfield contamination (from past pollution).

We will rely heavily on input from the public as well as property owners and businesses to guide this plan.

The Geneva Road Area-Wide plan will accomplish two major goals:

1. Help property owners and businesses on Geneva Road understand the potential risk that their property may have due to brownfield contamination (from past pollution).

2. Create a long term vision for the Geneva Road Corridor (fromĀ 1600 North to 800 South).

“Imagine Orem” is the platform for all major planning projects in Orem. Staff wants to know your “big picture” ideas for what you imagine for the future of the city!

Everyone! The events are open to the public and there will be activities for all ages. Refreshments are provided.


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Contact us

Please fill out the form below with any questions or comments you have. Want to check out other planning projects in the city? Check out